Today’s sermon is titled “Mission Accomplished! But the Work is Not Done”. The sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on August 23th, 2020. The main passage for this message is Luke 24:44-53.
Today’s sermon is titled “The Doubting Ten+”. The sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on August 16th, 2020. The main passage for this message is Luke 24:36-43.
Today’s sermon is titled “He Was Recognized by Them in the Breaking of the Bread”. The sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on August 9th, 2020. The main passage for this message is Luke 24:28-35.
Today’s sermon is titled “O Foolish Men and Slow of Heart to Believe?”. The sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on August 2nd, 2020. The main passage for this message is Luke 24:13-27.
Today’s sermon is titled “Why Do You Seek the Living One Among the Dead?”. The sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on July 26th, 2020. The main passage for this message is Luke 24:1-12.
Today’s sermon is titled “Be Filled With The Spirit”. The sermon was given by Pastor Chris Dyer on July 19, 2020. The main passage for this message is Ephesians 5:18b.
Today’s sermon is titled “The Christian and Alcohol”. The sermon was given by Pastor Chris Dyer on July 12, 2020. The main passage for this message is Ephesians 5:18.
Today’s sermon is titled “God’s Work is not Finished”. The sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on July 5th, 2020. The main passage for this message is Luke 23:50-56.
Today’s sermon is titled “It is Finished”. The sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on June 28, 2020. The main passage for this message is Luke 23:26-49.
Today’s sermon is titled “Behold Nothing Deserving of Death Has Been Done By Him”. The sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on May 31st, 2020. The main passage for this message is Luke 22:63-23:25.