This sermon was given by Pastor Chris Dyer on 09/06/2015. The main passage for the sermon is John 18:28-40.
This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 08/30/2015. The main passage for the sermon is 1 Peter 5:9.
This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 08/23/2015. The main passage for the sermon is 1 Peter 5:8-11.
This sermon was given by Mike Hajj on 08/16/2015. The main passage for the sermon is the book of Jonah.
This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 8/09/2015. The main passage for the sermon is 1 Peter 5:5-7.
This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 8/02/2015. The main passage for the sermon is 1 Peter 5:1-4.
This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 7/26/2015. The main passage for the sermon is 1 Peter 4:12-19.
This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 7/19/2015. The main passage for the sermon is Matthew 28:19. Pastor Dan performed several baptisms.
Listen to the sermon titled “Israel and God.” This sermon was given by Reverend Kenneth Meyers on 7/12/2015. The main passage for the sermon is Isaiah.
Listen to the sermon titled “Ruth and Dramatization.” This sermon was given by Pastor Chris Dyer on 7/5/2015. The main passage for the sermon is the book of Ruth.