Listen to the sermon “Biblical Standards for Appointing Elders PART 2.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 03/10/2013. This sermon is a part of the series Titus. The main passage is Titus 1:6-9.
Listen to the sermon “The Lord is Good.” This sermon was given by Curt Paquette on 03/03/2013. The main passage is James 1:17.
Listen to the sermon “Biblical Standards for Appointing Elders PART 1.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 02/24/2013. This sermon is a part of the series Titus. The main passage is Titus 1:6-9.
Listen to the sermon “Titus, Why Are You There?.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 02/17/2013. This sermon is a part of the series Titus. The main passage is Titus 1:5.
Listen to the sermon “Anger is Calmed by the Wise.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 02/17/2013. This sermon is a part of the series Proverbs. The main passage is Proverbs 29:11.
Listen to the sermon “Anger Can Lead to Trouble.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 02/10/2013. This sermon is a part of the series Proverbs. The main passage is Proverbs 29:22.
Listen to the sermon “God Cannot Lie.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 02/10/2013. This sermon is a part of the series Titus. The main passage is Titus 1:2-4.
Listen to the sermon “Direct Your Heart.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 02/03/2013. This sermon is a part of the series Proverbs. The main passage is Proverbs 23:19.
Listen to the sermon “First Things First Part 2.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 02/03/2013. This sermon is a part of the series Titus. The main passage is Titus 1:1-4.
Listen to the sermon “First Things First Part 1.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 01/27/2013. This sermon is a part of the series Titus. The main passage is Titus 1:1-4.