Listen to the sermon “Mary Revisits the Tomb.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 09/23/2012. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 20:11-18.
Listen to the sermon “Practical Spiritual Wisdom.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 09/16/2012. This sermon is a part of the series Proverbs. The main passage is Proverbs.
Listen to the sermon “The Tomb.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 09/16/2012. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 20:1-10.
Listen to the sermon “The Burial.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 09/09/2012. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 19:31-42.
Listen to the sermon “Walk Humbly With Thy God.” This sermon was given by Peter Beals on 09/02/2012. The main passage is John 5.
Listen to the sermon “The Suffering Servant.” This sermon was given by Ken Meyers on 08/26/2012. The main passage is Isaiah 53.
Listen to the sermon “Live Free Or Die.” This sermon was given by Don Iverson Sr. on 08/19/2012. The main passage is .
Listen to the sermon “The Raising of Lazarus.” This sermon was given by Pastor Chris Dyer on 08/12/2012. The main passage is John 11.
Listen to the sermon “Mastering the Power Button.” This sermon was given by Curt Paquette on 08/05/2012. The main passage is 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.
Listen to the sermon “It is Finished.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 07/29/2012. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 19:23-30.