Listen to the sermon “Jesus Prays for His Disciples.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 12/11/2011. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 17:11-19.
Listen to the sermon “Repaving the Romans Road.” This sermon was given by Mark Allbee on 12/04/2011. The main passage is Romans 10:5-8.
Listen to the sermon “The Lords Prayer Part 2.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 11/27/2011. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 17:6-19.
Listen to the sermon “The Deity of Jesus Affirmed.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 11/20/2011. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 17:5.
Listen to the sermon “Eternal Life.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 11/13/2011. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 17:3.
Listen to the sermon “What Must I Do To Be Saved?.” This sermon was given by pastor Dan Trepanier on 11/06/2011. The main passage is Acts 16:31-34.
Listen to the sermon “The Lords Prayer Part 1 Continued.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 10/23/2011. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 17:1-5.
Listen to the sermon “The Lords Prayer – Part 1.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 10/16/2011. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 17:1-5.
Listen to the sermon “Jesus’s Closing Words of Encouragement.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 10/09/2011. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 16:25-33.
Listen to the sermon “Weeping Will Turn to Joy.” This sermon was given by Pastor Dan Trepanier on 10/02/2011. This sermon is a part of the series The Gospel Of John. The main passage is John 16:16-24.